Laura Grabowski

Thank you for all that you do! It is my sincere hope that by helping me you are investing in helping all of us. I know that I’m lucky to have received experimental therapy and I believe my results are going to help inform and inspire future recipients of spinal cord stimulation devices.
— Laura Grabowski

Laura Grabowski, a former expert level competitive mountain biker, experienced a life-changing injury on 4/17/2019. While riding a casual trail she frequented, heavy rain had caused overgrowth and erosion, resulting in a serious accident when attempting a jump. The injury left her with a C7 incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI). Despite the challenges she faced, Laura's determination and resilience led her to Be Perfect, an organization that supports clients with their medical needs.

Be Perfect has been instrumental in assisting Laura with Activity Based Therapy (ABT), which has become the driving force behind her motivation to overcome the obstacles presented by her injury. She continues to make remarkable functional gains years after the incident, defying the initial prognosis she received in the hospital. Laura is eager to demonstrate to others that the words spoken during the darkest times of recovery are not the definitive outcome.

Laura's unwavering hope is complemented by her knowledge of existing therapies that hold great potential for improving the lives of SCI patients. Although these therapies are not without their imperfections and uncertainties, Laura firmly believes that when paired with intense and frequent ABT, they can bring about remarkable progress. She acknowledges the vital role Be Perfect plays in enabling her to access these therapies, which contributes directly to her achievements.

Throughout her journey, Laura's parents have been a pillar of emotional and physical support. Now, she is preparing to take significant steps towards independence and plans to send them home. While she will still require a small amount of caregiver assistance, Laura is determined to become as self-sufficient as possible, confident that it is within reach.

However, as she moves towards this goal, the need for a caregiver for at least 15 hours a week will arise, incurring additional costs. Although she plans to seek part-time work, the financial strain may limit her access to essential therapy. Grateful for the current support she receives from Be Perfect, Laura hopes that they can continue to help her by alleviating some of these future financial burdens.

Laura expresses profound gratitude for the assistance provided by Be Perfect. She sees this support not only as a personal investment in her life but also as a contribution to the well-being of all individuals with SCI. With access to experimental therapy and her encouraging results, Laura believes her journey will inspire and inform future recipients of spinal cord stimulation devices, paving the way for advancements in medical care and treatment for others facing similar challenges.

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