Event Magazine Developer/Client Liaison

Nicole Leasher, a dedicated member of The Be Perfect Foundation (BP) committee, recalls her initial involvement with the organization, which began when Hal approached her with an opportunity to play a more involved role within the foundation. As an employee at The Perfect Step, Nicole had been connected with the paralysis community for eight years, and this offer presented a unique chance to contribute in a broader capacity. Her daily interaction with clients allowed her to intimately understand their struggles, making her eager to accept the opportunity to assist them comprehensively through BP.

One profound aspect of Nicole's journey with BP is witnessing the direct impact on clients and their transformation through BP's mission. Countless clients have benefited from BP's support, often leaving them teary-eyed with gratitude. Nicole has seen a remarkable domino effect of care and assistance within the community as those who receive help often pay it forward, creating a powerful and positive change.

For Nicole, BP's mission transcends financial assistance; it embodies being a lifeline during individuals' darkest moments. It's about letting them know they are not alone and that there are people who genuinely support and stand by them.

Nicole has witnessed the 99% promise in action, with BP allocating funds to address crucial needs such as obtaining new wheelchairs, covering medical expenses, and facilitating access to non-traditional exercise therapy. These actions have truly been life-changing for the individuals they've supported.

Every client at The Perfect Step has a unique story and journey, making it difficult to single out one. Nicole admires the resilience and vulnerability displayed by all clients as they navigate their challenges.

While this is Nicole's first time being directly involved in a BP event at a committee level, she is taking charge of creating the BP magazine for the upcoming event. Her prior involvement in other events on a smaller scale has given her a glimpse of the intricate behind-the-scenes work, and she's excited to be more deeply engaged this year.

The aspect of BP's work that Nicole appreciates the most is the foundation's ability to alleviate the various aspects of life that can be affected by paralysis. It provides a sense of community, assurance, and a reminder that individuals are not alone during a potentially isolating and challenging transition.

Nicole's involvement with BP aligns with her passion for working with the paralysis community. Some of her closest friends are living with paralysis, and her role in the BP foundation provides her with a platform to advocate for and support the community in ways that resonate deeply with her.

What sets BP apart from other organizations, in Nicole's opinion, is its unwavering passion for the people it serves. BP's sole mission is to help the paralysis community, and it goes to great lengths to fulfill this need.

In her committee role, Nicole is involved with the client side of the event, serving as a liaison to engage clients and get them involved. Additionally, she heads the development of the magazine for the event, contributing significantly to the planning and execution of BP events and initiatives.