Amy Kronquist

Event Coordinator

Amy Kronquist first became involved with the Be Perfect Foundation (BP) after attending the BP 8.0 event in 2018. As an event planner, she was not only deeply moved by the event but also impressed by its organization and production quality, which prompted her to explore becoming a part of BP. This interest led to a meeting with Hal and Catie Hargrave to discuss her potential involvement. Over the years, her connection to BP and its mission has been enriched through time spent with the Hargrave family, from vacations to weekends, each visit leaving her with new stories and a deeper appreciation for the resources and therapy that empower the paralysis community towards personal independence.

"My understanding of BP's mission is deeply rooted in its commitment to providing comprehensive support to individuals living with paralysis, said Amy. Beyond physical recovery, BP aims to address emotional well-being and empowerment, recognizing the holistic needs of those affected. The foundation's dedication to the 99% promise is particularly inspiring, with zero paid staff, ensuring that the vast majority of funds go directly to those in need. This approach not only speaks to BP's integrity but also ensures that resources are maximized for the community's benefit, a testament to the foundation's genuine commitment to its mission."

Throughout her involvement with BP, Amy has been touched by the resilience and stories of several individuals within the BP community, which have reinforced her dedication to the foundation's cause. As she's grown with the organization, she has evolved from being an attendee at BP events to playing an active role behind the scenes, bringing creative and experiential ideas to enhance the impact of these gatherings, particularly looking forward to contributing to the 2024 Be Perfect Scholarship Gala.

What Amy finds most admirable about BP is the tangible impact its work has on the lives it touches, fostering positive changes and increased independence among those living with paralysis. This tangible impact, coupled with the foundation's deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with paralysis, sets BP apart and underscores the importance of its mission. As a committee member, Amy is privileged to contribute her skills and creativity to BP's events and initiatives, working alongside a passionate team dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those they serve.