Life with paralysis can be grueling


Financial Stress

Lifetime costs for a spinal cord injury can total over $2.5 million per victim. In most cases, insurance only covers 50-65% of these costs over a lifetime.


Chronic Pain

Chronic pain has a major impact on the lives of people with paralysis - interfering with daily activities, mood, social interactions, and sleep.


Feeling Isolated

The suicide rate among spinal cord injury patients is nearly 5 times that of the general population. It is incredibly hard to live with paralysis on your own.

Be Perfect comes alongside people with paralysis


How donations change lives

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They can Afford to Pay Bills

Our donors provide financial aid to keep people with paralysis in physical therapy and to purchase medical necessities.

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They Get a Great Workout

We partner with a paralysis recovery center to help patients with paralysis work through chronic pain to live a more independent life.

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They Join A Community

Be Perfect is a community of donors and patients who are on a path to living a whole and full life with connection and purpose.


We are a community of patients and donors who believe we have a responsibility to make the most of what we've been given.


 See how Be Perfect has helped change the lives of patients with paralysis.

Watch Stefanie’s story or read the stories below.



Be Perfect is always grateful for donations in any amount. $.99 of every dollar directly funds a patient in recovery that need your help and you can choose to donate to the general fund or to a specific client in need.



Be Perfect Events

Upcoming Annual Gala


Past Events